Friday, October 29, 2010

Welcome to Living Curriculum!

Since August, I've contemplated keeping a blog on my home schooling efforts, but until now I've put off doing so. No one will want to read what I write, I told myself. And even if they do, sooner or later I'll inevitably offend them in some way, shape, or form. Besides, several friends already keep home school blogs, and what could I write that hasn't already been written in a far more eloquent way than I could ever hope to pen?

So went my logic for putting off a home school blog of my own.

For a while, I happily journaled about our home-schooling trials and triumphs in my record-keeping program that I had installed on Jon's laptop. All went well until the computer crashed and deleted all of my musings. Realizing I needed a more reliable method of documenting our progress, I thought again of keeping a blog...and this time I gave in. And when the Christian Home Educators' Association (CHEA) used the phrase "living curriculum" to describe the daily example that parents set before their children, I fell in love with the wording and ran with it.

So, here it is!

I know, I know: some of you are remembering my recent post about home schooling on my other blog site and are cringing. "Climax of horrors*: she's at it again!" With this in mind, let me attempt to assuage a few fears.

My goals for this blog are to support those already home schooling; to shed light on some of home schooling's confusing issues; to encourage anyone interested in learning more about home schooling; and, mostly, to offer a light and lively perspective on my personal home schooling endeavors.

I cannot promise that my posts will be interesting. I cannot promise that they won't offend some or all of my readers. What I can promise is a candid look at our home schooling efforts. I hope that these will inspire some of you and encourage others. Even if you don't home school, you are welcome to follow along at your own risk. You have been warned. :)

*Quoted from "Agnes Grey," one of my all-time favorite and highly-recommended books.


  1. Yay! When you mentioned the crash, I was thinking, "hmm...she could put it online." Look forward to it!

  2. Yay!! I think you will do very well here! Can't wait to read about your experiences. You're good at writing. ;-)

  3. Thank you for doing this Julie! I look foward to reading about how God is working in your family and through this journey of Homeschooling! It's an encouragement to know that I'm not in this alone. I pray we do "homeschool" in a way that will bring honor and great joy to our Lord, for it is most challenging and overwhelming at times. However, Lord help us to regain our focus-YOU. Help us reach the hearts of our children as you reached the hearts of those you taught, discipling them for your kingdom, loving them as you loved those you discipled. Lord, help us to follow the gracious, forgiving, loving example you are into our Ministry of Motherhood...Amen.

  4. Thanks, all! I am rather excited about this and I hope it works out for the benefit of all. I welcome your comments, tips, and suggestions!
